Like Shooting Droids In A Barrel...

DATE: 2003-04-30 12:14:00

Somewhere in a distant galaxy far, far away from our own there exists a mysterious planet inhabited by robots named Iron Star. Although it is usually a peaceful planet, things have recently gone terribly awry with the creation of the super-intelligent A.I. named General Corrosive. After destroying his makers, this powerful machine set out to create the ultimate army, a race of super robots called Mils, and conquer the planet. You play the role of Glitch, a gun-slinging resident of Droid City, who is determined to restore order to planet and crush Corrosive's evil plan.

Coming this November to both the Xbox and GameCube, Metal Arms: Glitch in the System is an action-packed shooter featuring over 50 levels of robot trashing action though multiple enviroments both above and below the planet Iron Star. Over the course of his mission to save the robot race, Glitch will have access to 18 deadly weapons, including 4 combat vehicles, as well as the ability to possess and play as 12 different robots. The game will also feature three multi-player modes such as Death Match.

Starscream aka Ricky Tucker
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