VU Games To Publish For 2015

DATE: 2003-05-06 00:02:47

VU Games has established its second publishing deal with the Medal of Honor: Allied Assault hit developer 2015, Inc. In its latest press release, VU Games announced that 2015, Inc. is well along in its development of a second title which will be "an all-new military action game for release on multiple console systems." The expected title of the game is Men of Valor: Vietnam, which is a first-person shooter based in Vietnam and is scheduled for release in 2004.

The concept of Men of Valor: Vietnam (MOVV) looks to be very hopeful. The latest is that 2015 will entail in MOVV a more historically accurate war setting then that of Medal of Honor: Allied Assault (MOHAA), complete with historic scenarios and weaponry. If the latest screenshots are of any proof, MOVV will show completely breathtaking detail in the surrounding Vietnam plants and forestry. In addition, the online gaming department will be bringing us even more of that multiplayer action that so impressed us with MOHAA.

It will be most interesting to see exactly what 2015, Inc. is planning with this very promising title Check back with us as we will update our viewers when more information becomes available.

Goat aka Brandon Arnold
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