ATARI Launches New Title With FUNimation Partner

DATE: 2003-05-22 11:29:13

ATARI announced at the end of the 2nd day of E3 2003 that they would release another game in cooperation with their anime partner, FUNimation. The new title? Yu Yu Hakusho.

This is a show that FUNimation brought from Japan because it was as big a hit as DragonBall Z, the first series that brought ATARI and FUNimation together. Since Hakusho’s release in the US, it has generated as much revenue as DBZ.

Chris Sabat, the Voice Director for FUNimation as well as the voices of DragonBall Z characters Picillo and Vegeta, acted as Master of Ceremonies at the press conference and introduced ATARI Chair Bruno Bonnell and FUNimation President Gen Fukunaga as they revealed the secret game. Yu Yu Hakusho is currently in the approval process as far as what platforms it will be released on is concerned, and the design of the game is still fairly up in the air.

“There is enough content in the series to make the game fit any genre we want it to, just like with DBZ,” said an ATARI representative.

ATARI also announced that they would release five new DragonBall Z games over the course of the year for several platforms.

J.R. Nip aka Chris Meyer
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