Metro3D tells us of a new game for the Dreamcast, Dark Angel: Vampire Apocalypse. You take the role of Anna, 'a young woman with special powers', to save the world. Perhaps a bit hackeneyed, but the game itself seems to offer some intriguing possibilities. All combat is going to be done real time, for one. Metro3D also promises that the monsters' AI will be intelligent, hiding or attacking from behind, and grouping intelligently.
The characters will also have 'memories', making the neutral townsperson your enemy or friend depending on your actions. It seems to be divided into levels, but you can go back to ones you've already completed to build up all your skills and such. And as the game moves along, the gameworld changes in accordance to the plot. That's a Good Thing -- dynamic gameworlds in real-time RPGs are eminently more interesting. With its proprietary engine promising wonderful speed, Metro3D may have a big winner on their hands with Dark Angel.