Very soon now, Square will be releasing the fourth game in the Seiken Densetsu series, Legend of Mana. The first was released here under the name Final Fantasy Adventure (for the Gameboy); the second was Secret of Mana for the SNES, a game many people know and love.
The third never made it overseas, but Square is bringing us the latest adventure in the series. The game's graphics are lavish 2D watercolours, much like the recent SaGa Frontier 2, and like many games now you can pick one of two main characters to complete the quest. As you play the game, you use artifacts received to return the world of Fa'Diel back to its former glory,
using what Square is calling the "Land Creation System". This should promise interesting gameplay, because as you expand the world, you get to adventure in the new areas that you placed. This one should be out shortly, so keep watching for an in-depth review.