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Sinners and Saints: Blood and Bone - Book 2
Publisher: DAW Books, Inc.

Sinners and Saints: Blood and Bone - Book 2 continues Jennifer Roberson's series that brings the unlikely duo of a biker and a cowboy together in a fight against Hell's minions as the end of the world starts to rear its ugly head.

In Life and Limb, readers were introduced to Gabe and Remi, two young men who, by some twist of cosmic fate, have the souls of angels in them, or at least the potential to become angels if they meet the right conditions. Unfortunately, the training they have been going through all their lives, albeit without their knowledge, is cut short and the pair are thrown into the deep end of the pool when earthquakes release demons into the world. Now, Gabe, a recently released ex-con biker, has to team up with Remi, a good-ol-boy from Texas, to identify and exorcise demons without any real knowledge of what they are doing.

Thankfully, they do have a little help. For one, there is their mentor, who taught each of them independently, though he isn't often around when it really matters. There is also the African god that runs the bar they are staying at, as well as the Irish goddess who lives down the road. But, while they do have these resources to lean on from time to time, Gabe and Remi are, more-or-less, on their own.

By the time Sinners and Saints kicks off, the pair have already hunted down a couple of demons, cleansed the bar they are living in so they have a bit of a safe haven, and, unfortunately, have started to get an idea of just how in over their heads they really are. Especially since the last book ended with the pair getting yet another cryptic letter that seems to be tied to the old Jack the Ripper murders in London. It seems like either the old killer is somehow active again killing new women with the same names as the classic murders, or there is a very informed copycat who seems to be bent on getting under the guys' skins.

While Gabe and Remi spend a lot of this book focusing on the Ripper repeat murders, they will find themselves sidetracked a few times. The duo will have to confront everyone from a cowboy ghost to figures from ancient Greek myths, the least of which is the three headed dog, Cerberus. On top of those hurdles, the angels-to-be will encounter other, full blown angels, including one who has fallen but seems to want to switch sides again and go after Lucifer himself.

One thing is clear though, the more that Gabe and Remi learn about the war they've been foisted into, the more they aren't sure who they can trust. Not that the pair have a lot of time to sit down and think about everything that is going on around them. These first two books have kept the pair busy and, by the time Sinners and Saints wraps up, very tired. It will be interesting to see where Roberson takes Gabe and Remi's journey next, especially given the revelations the pair learn about just who, specifically, is gunning for them.

Blood and Bone is turning out to be a fun urban fantasy series that takes what could easily be two shallow and stereotypical characters and truly fleshes them out. While, on the surface, these characters are a biker and a cowboy, by the time you finish Sinners and Saints, you will learn more about Gabe's life leading up to his time in prison, as well as Remi's skills he developed growing up on a ranch.

If you enjoyed the format and style of Supernatural, then there is a good chance you will want to pick up this series as it has a very similar vibe, but with enough new twists to keep the similarities on the surface. Sinners and Saints: Blood and Bone - Book 2 is a solid follow-up to Life and Limb, and a worthy continuation of a budding series. I will definitely be keeping an eye out for the next installment.

-J.R. Nip, GameVortex Communications
AKA Chris Meyer
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