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Pro Fighter 8
Score: 65%
Developer: Naki
Device Type: Controller


I personally prefer using an arcade-style joystick to a joypad-type controller. With large, arcade-true buttons in an arcade stick, the Pro Fighter 8 could have been a contender. The one flaw it has (which is impossible to work around) is that the joystick doesn?t center strongly enough. From time to time, this causes the stick to stay in its previous direction. In other words, you stop going, your character doesn?t. This is a problem for any game that doesn?t require constant movement at all times. In short -- all games.


It?s all or nothing with the Pro Fighter 8. You either give up after 15 minutes or you?ll spend hours learning to center the stick yourself. To use this controller, you have to train yourself to manually center the stick to stop moving. I managed to do so decently in Asteroids with the Pro Fighter 8, but the required discipline is not easily achieved.

  • Eight-button fighting game layout
  • Turbo Fire control
  • Strong metal base
  • High impact plastic construction
  • 8? cord

Drawbacks & Problems::

The Pro Fighter 8?s joystick mechanism has a fatal flaw: it sticks in a direction instead of centering itself. The problem is intermittent, but frequent.

-Geck0, GameVortex Communications
AKA Robert Perkins

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