If there's one thing I like about
Minecraft: Story Mode: Season Two: Episode 3 - Jailhouse Block, it's the cultural references. Two in particular stand out: one is an obvious homage to one of the best prison movies of all time and the other... is something I did not expect. Let's leave it at that.
Episode 3 - Jailhouse Block is generally low on drama and high on action; a welcome shift, considering how annoyed I've become with Telltale's traditional, stale, unrealistic method of creating dramatic tension through writing. That being said, one "big choice moment" rang very hollow, and I was flat out appalled at the writers' flippant treatment of an otherwise extremely serious late-episode situation. I have no idea what they were thinking, and it goes down as one of the worst moments I've seen in any Telltale game to date.
Higher emphasis on action means more combat, and this is a definite negative. Minecraft: Story Mode: Season Two's combat system may be more hands-on than the standard offering of quick-time events, but it's so awful that the game would benefit greatly from its excision.
Of course, you get another pointless building sequence. The mechanic that facilitates these moments is so weak and poorly-implemented that it only serves to kill the pacing. That being said, the one here isn't really required, so take that as you will.