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Score: 80%
Rating: R
Publisher: Lionsgate Home Entertainment
Region: 1
Media: UMD/1
Running Time: 134
Genre: Action/Adventure/Sci-Fi
Audio: Dolby Digital/Digitally Mastered


  • Full-Length Movie
  • 16:9 Widescreen Version
  • Dolby Headphone Track
  • DVD Picture Quality
  • English and Spanish Subtitles

Oh Arnold, how do we love thee? Let me count the ways...

T2 on UMD? How awesome it that? Popping this in on a plane ride or a rainy day is the PSP equivalent of video Nirvana, my friends. Highlights include Linda Hamilton, who is incredibly sexy in a 'psycho-killer' kind of way. Did she do anything but lift weights and do wind sprints between the first and second movie? Her portrayal of Sarah Connor is night and day from the first Terminator movie, with T2 being the night side, of course. We knew from the first movie that she had a tough side to her, but she's crazier than a March hare in this flick and more pumped up than Arnold.

The idea of bringing Arnold back as the 'good guy' was brilliant, and James Cameron's direction was even more exciting in '91 than in '84 when the first movie was released. Why so long between movies? Dude, Linda needed more time to get all rope-muscled and man-shouldered, eh?! The first 10 minutes of the movie, I could watch every morning to get charged up for work. The coming of the Terminator and the 'anti-Terminator' is handled almost scene-for-scene as in the first flick, but back in '91 we all thought we knew what was going on until...whaaaaat? The liquid-metal T-1000 was one of the coolest effects on the big screen, and the small screen definitely does this movie justice.

A nice addition to the PSP version is a Dolby headphone sountrack. The amount of detail and stereo imaging during T2 is awesome, which makes me wonder why anyone would listen to anything but the Dolby track. Depending on your headphones or speakers, results may vary, but I liked the 'bigger' sound. Special features on the UMD were limited to pictures of movie features to come. If the movie that shipped with the PSP could have real Previews, why can't all the UMD movies feature Previews or special features? What would have made T2 perfect would have been some special features, deleted scenes or 'making of' featurettes. Why not?

For nostalgic bliss, T2 cannot be beat. Someday we may buy UMD 'perfect collections' of all three movies, and in the meantime I'll be sure to have at least the first two by Cameron. Okay, even though I'm loyal to Cameron you know I have crazy wood for Kristanna Loken, but let's save that for another review. For now, please go out and open your wallet to whomever mans the register at your friendly, neighborhood game store, and say "Please sir, may I have some T2?"

-Fridtjof, GameVortex Communications
AKA Matt Paddock

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