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Reign of Fire

Score: 90%
Rating: PG-13
Publisher: Buena Vista
Region: 1
Media: UMD/1
Running Time: 102 Minutes
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Action
Audio: Standard PSP Sound


  • Breathing Life Into The Terror -- The Making of Dragons
  • Conversations with Director Rob Bowman

Twenty years after the awakening of one of the most dangerous creatures in Earth's history, Reign of Fire follows a small band of survivors who decide that they are tired of living in terror and decide to go after the dragon male and kill the fire-breathing race once and for all.

Matthew McConaughy (U-571 and most recently, Sahara) and Christian Bale (Batman Begins) take on the leading roles in this modern-day monster movie. Both actors fill the role of gung-ho military dragon hunter (McConaughy) and leader of a local community who just happens to know where the first dragon came from (Bale). Between the great characters, awesome pyrotechnics and wickedly-evil CG dragons, I loved this movie the first time I saw it. And now with it on UMD, I will be able to pop it into my PSP at any time and watch it at my leisure.

Reign of Fire also has 2 documentaries. "Breathing Life Into Terror" that talks about the amount of time and effort it went into developing and creating the dragons for the movie. This featurette also shows how director Rob Bowman trained the actors to be scared of creatures they didn't even see until after all the filming is done.

The other documentary interviews Bowman as he talks about his history with The X-Files and how it prepared him to make this genre movie.

If you're a fan of action-packed sci-fi movies, then Reign of Fire is a great addition to your UMD movie collection.

-J.R. Nip, GameVortex Communications
AKA Chris Meyer

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