As is the case with most games in the PSP launch line-up, Untold Legends really knocks you out once you pop it in. It’s still hard to believe that you’re playing a great-looking 3D game on a handheld. Once the “newness” wears off, you begin to see some of the game’s flaws, dulling some of the luster.
Environments take you through nearly every fantasy-inspired area imaginable; lush forests, dark dungeons, and even the requisite frozen wasteland. Also, characters animate and look nice, but there’s the same lack of variety found in Champions. You can set things like hair color and skin, but it’s really hard to make one character stand out from another, which sucks away some of the “personal” feel of characters.
As nice as these details are, there are a few nagging issues. Frame-rates are unstable and really become choppy, especially when the action picks up. The fixed overhead camera also causes a few minor problems. In Champions, the camera can be rotated, and can zoom in and out, to get a better view of what’s going on around you, giving you a comfortable viewing position. The wider PSP screen makes it easy to see what’s going on around you. However, the locked position and lack of rotation hurt. It seems like every time I reentered the game, the camera was in a different angle which threw off my sense of direction for a few minutes. I eventually got used to this, but I really wish I had some kind of control.
Sound is kept to a bare minimum and, when compared to other launch titles, is a letdown. None of the story sequences are voiced, so expect a lot of reading if you want to know what’s going on. Music fits within the game, but is rather flat. Sound effects are what you’d expect for this style of game.