Tak: The Great Juju Challenge follows our jungle hero, Tak, as he and Lok partake in a rare tournament. The Great Juju Challenge is an event that happens every 60 years. The winning team will bring protection to their village from the goddess Moon Juju.
Team Pupanunu (Tak and Lok) will go up against Team Black Mist, Team Grammazon and Team Jibba Jabba in this year's competition. Thankfully, Tak and Lok have some jungle magic at their disposal. Well, we already knew of Tak's magical abilities from the previous games, but in this one, Lok has been given the chance to learn a few tricks so that he isn't completely useless in the challenges.
Both playable characters have their own strengths. The main differences between the two is that Tak can swim while Lok can climb ledges. This makes for an interesting series of puzzles. For example, if both characters need to cross a river, Tak will need to swim across and perform some action that either lowers a bridge or drains the water. There are also a few things that the two characters can do together. For instance, if you need to get to a high area that Lok can't climb to, have him pick up the little chosen one and throw him onto the pedestal. There are some levels where this is really the only way to get around, since there are times when the mechanisms that open doors are really high up.
The game features an arcade-like drop in/out system similar to what was seen in Lego Star Wars. This means that if you need some help getting through an area and you feel that your companion A.I. just isn't working out, all you have to do is call on a friend. They can easily pick up a controller, play for a bit and put it down again when you are done. When only one gamer is at the controls, that player can switch between the two jungle challengers at will.
Also, as an added bonus, you can take advantage of a new system appearing in several Nickelodeon games. If you have a save of Barnyard, Nicktoons Unite! or SpongeBob Squarepants: Lights, Camera, Pants!, you will automatically unlock a special bonus. This feature has been dubbed the "Nickelodeon Cross-Save System".