The look of this game is very much early kindergarten. The opening scene and intro sections are all 2-D and look like they were drawn by children. The game itself has 3-D elements when your characters are moving and during mini-games, but the look of the game all gives the appearance of 2-D art. I am not really quite sure exactly what kind of look they were actually trying for. The simple drawing style is highly appealing to the younger eye, but the aim and ideas of the game did not coincide with its childish appearance. This game would have looked about the same on an N64.
Prepare to have your last nerve danced on by a marching band. The speech text in this game is accompanied by this grating noise I can only describe as chirping, as line after line of text goes by. The sound effects follow the "cartoony" look and feel, but are equally annoying. I think they were looking for that midi "Old School" feel from the sound track, but it could have been done on one synthesizer in an afternoon.