Buzz! The Mega Quiz gives you three different options to play: 1 Player, 2 - 4 Players, and 5 - 8 Players, when you select Play Buzz. 1 Player Buzz plays very much like
The Weakest Link. You are given a time limit and questions. After each question, you can bank your money to save it, and start back over at $0, or you can try and double it on the next question.
2 - 4 Player Buzz is comprised of eight different rounds, and the Mystery Challenge. Each round has a different goal and a different feel to it. Our favorite was Globetrotter, where the winner of each question gets to choose a country to visit. The next question will be something about that country. If there are rounds that you don't particularly like, choosing Custom Game from the Main Menu allows you to deselect any rounds, with the exception of the Mystery Challenge. You cannot get rid of it, at least I didn't find a way to. 5 - 8 Player is just like 2 - 4, except it is played in 2 sets of 4 Players.
From the Main Menu, you can also access Extras, Custom Game, and Options. Extras allows you to choose between Team Play, Quizmaster, and Quickfire Quiz. In Team Play, you can divide a large group of people into teams. Each team gets three lives and loses a life for each wrong answer. Whichever team lasts the longest wins. In Quizmaster, someone can opt to takes Buzz's place and ask the questions. Whatever the Quizmaster says is the right answer is undisputedly true for the game (whether or not it really is true), so choose your Quizmaster carefully. Quickfire Quiz is great when you just want to play a quick quiz contest. It allows you to play 10-100 questions. For each question, the first one to buzz in and get the correct answer gets the points.
In the Options Menu, you can view the Hall of Fame where all your high scores are stored. There are also things such as Slow Poke Award, Itchy Trigger Trophy, Loser Award, and more. You can also turn Widescreen Mode on/off, turn Autosave on/off, and Load Data from the Options Menu. By default, Buzz! autosaves between each round. The good thing about leaving this on is that it reduces question repetition. The bad thing about it is that you have to wait on it to save. It's not that noticeable of a lag on Long and Regular length games, but in a Short game, it feels like you spend half the time saving.