It definitely works on the DS screen. This little baby is perfectly positioned for showing games in the old vertical, arcade cabinet format. The marching enemies on the top screen and your little cannon on the bottom work great. There are lots of extras now moving around between the two screens, flashing backgrounds, buttons, baubles, and bells. I'll argue that this is where Space Invaders Extreme doesn't work nearly as well for fans of the old game. Before I make it sound like the target audience for the game won't be turned on, remember that now is the time for an introduction of these old, simple games to a new audience. Gamers excited about Geometry Wars will see something similar and cool in Space Invaders Extreme, without necessarily realizing that it's the 30-year anniversary of this classic. As long as the game finds its proper audience, we'll all be happy, but my guess is that the Gen-X folks that really played the heck out of Space Invaders in the arcade will find this version a bit too glam for their liking.