Fret Nice is an original concept, but it is clear the idea still has a way to go. However, the things the game does right are worthy of merit. If you've read anything written by me in the last year or so, you already know I'm not a big fan of writing about presentation unless it really does something to help the gameplay. Technically, Fret Nice looks good; it has a simple "Flash" styled look that is immediately reminiscent of LocoRoco or Patapon. Music is the same; it has a goofy rock sound, but it likeable.
Both really shine in how they're a major gameplay component. Every monster you come across has a specific facial layout that directly relates to the note cords required to defeat it. For example, a monster with four eyes might require four strums with the green fret button. If you're good enough at recognizing patterns, you can pull off chain combos, knocking out multiple enemies in one big leap. Attacks are accompanied by a short blast of catchy guitar riffs. From a presentation standpoint it's a great system, but it doesn't quite carry through on a mechanical level.