Cladun manages to look great and not so great at the same time. Following other retro-styled games, Cladun uses throwback, sprite-based visuals similar to what you'd expect to see in 16-bit era games. Characters are simple, but feature attention-grabbing design aspects. Environments look good and keep with the look, though I thought they were a little busy. Areas are bursting with details - grass, flora, and debris - which add to the appearance but are a little distracting.
There's also an in-game character editor. You have complete freedom to make your main character (up to 64 characters, actually) look however you want. The editor is easy to use and flexible.
Music keeps pace with the visual aesthetic, but with a modern surprise. A chiptune version of the soundtrack is available, as is an "instrumental" version. You can switch between the two at any time, which is a nice touch.