Pixeline and the Jungle Treasure is the sort of game you would expect to see either as a downloadable console title or a Flash-based game on the PC. Though it won't grab the attention of players who routinely complete blindfolded speed runs of Sonic or Super Mario Bros., it's a fun, casual platform offering for the mobile phone. If anything else, it helps further the mobile phone as a legit gaming platform.
Although Pixeline can feel a bit still and sterile at times, in general it looks great. The look has a cute, cartoon feel befitting of its title character. The color palette is colorful and bold, giving the game an attention-grabbing "wow" factor, at least when viewed from a distance (yes, I'm speaking from experience here). Sound follows suit and fits with the presentation. You won't catch yourself humming any of the background tunes in the shower, but while you're playing, it adds just the right amount of audio "oomph" to keep you going forward.