While I found
Pilot Brothers 2 more palpable than the first game, it is still a strange adventure title. Previously, I had a lot of trouble getting into the character's heads to understand how they would solve the various issues they faced, but either I’ve gotten better at thinking like the brothers, or the solutions aren’t quite as out there as they have been in the past because I found myself able to make progress much better this time around.
When Chief and Colleague’s cat is stolen, the brothers start looking around for any witnesses, and when they find them, they learn that he was taken by a local "experimental chef." The mystery doesn’t end with simply learning who the culprit is though; what follows is a hunt to find his (hers? its?) hideout.
The story takes you from one setting to another, forcing you to complete the location’s puzzles before progressing to the next screen and part of the story. As a result, each screen feels like an adventure mini-game, though there isn’t a whole lot of content in the grand scheme of things.
As for the puzzles themselves, there are a few classic challenges like trying to measure out a specific amount of fluid with containers that don’t easily add up to your expected volume or an unusual form of the sliding picture puzzle, but there are some situations that feels uniquely Pilot Brothers with the possible exception of a Sam & Max game.