The Island: Castaway 2 HD has a map of the island that you can access to help you with your current tasks. In addition to displaying the tasks at the bottom of the main gameplay screen and repeatedly scrolling through them, you can also look at the map to get an idea of who on the island is waiting on you. Everyone is represented by stars and initially, the map is covered by clouds. As you move around the island, the clouds clear and you can see the different areas. Blue stars simply represent people on the island, while a red star indicates someone waiting on you to complete a task. Yellow stars indicate ongoing tasks for that person, while a green star shows that you should return to them because you have the necessary items or have completed the task.
You’ll also go fishing which is accomplished by digging up worms, then casting the bait out into the deep water. When you see a fish tugging the line, you tap to reel it in, but if you tap too quickly, you could lose the fish. Sometimes, I pulled up a boot or seaweed and a few other times, a shark fin appeared and stole my bait. Funny stuff. You can learn to make arrows and use them to hunt boar and you can also use a net to catch crabs and quail by tapping them, which throws the net. You’ll earn tools like a hoe for digging up worms and useful for planting seeds to grow "earth foods" and you’ll get an ax to cut down trees and make logs.
In addition to Yati’s red health bar, there’s a sunlight bar underneath it. If you fill your bar by simply being outside before entering a cave, you will have a small circle of light around you which will help you move through the caves. Just another helpful thing you learn from the shaman.
There was one point when Yati was talking to Roho learning from him and the game froze on me. The fire animation was still going, as was the background music, but no matter what I did, I couldn’t get the game to move past this animation. I ended up having to restart the game which was frustrating, so hopefully you won’t encounter this bug as well.
Overall, I didn’t find the storyline for The Island: Castaway 2 HD as interesting as the previous game, but the gameplay is very much the same and I enjoyed it. That being said, if you enjoy fetch quests, you’ll like The Island: Castaway 2 HD.