If you played Atelier Ayesha: The Alchemist of Dusk, then you’ll already be familiar with the look and feel of Atelier Escha & Logy. Graphically, it looks and feels exactly the same. Since this story takes place not long after the end of Atelier Ayesha, you really want it to have consistence. You will get to see several familiar characters like Linca, Wilbell, and even Nio (Ayesha’s sister) and they look like they always have. The colors are bright and vivid and they all look quite different ranging from Linca’s conservative appearance to Wilbell’s very bright clothing and personality.
If you’ve played many RPGs, you’ll probably have noticed that a lot of them have really awesome music. Personally, I think that Atelier Escha & Logy follows this trend well and I love the background music. As a rule, I tend to turn down music and listen to something else, but I found that I leave it on in this game. Not only is the music good, but the voicework is in English so there’s no need to read the subtitles if you don’t want to. You can actually hear what the characters say in their own voices.