The Last Door: Season 2 - Collector’s Edition drops you in where the last season left off. You play as Doctor Wakefield who is following the footsteps of Devitt, the main character of
Season 1. If you played the last season, you may remember that Wakefield is actually Devitt’s physician, and has been trying to help Devitt cope with the nightmares his experiences have brought him. He was helping Devitt cope, at least until Devitt’s mysterious disappearance. Thus begins Wakefield’s quest to find his patient and find answers.
The investigation begins with Wakefield traveling to an asylum. There, he looks into the past dealings of Alexandre Du Pre, a character that we met in the last season. His investigation brings him to people who speak of the Veil, and also of a society known as the Playwright. Wakefield diligently follows each lead, but ends up needing the help his friend Kaufman. Kaufman gives a pointed warning, saying that if he would choose to find out the truth about Devitt, he needs to know that he’s going to step into some uncharted territory. Wakefield’s already seen and heard some unexplainable things, so he knows the warning is real.
Kaufman has been a little mysterious up until this point, but this is where it tips over. What is his connection to the Veil, to the society? Does he know more than he lets on? Is he pushing Wakefield, or are they both on the same road due a shared curiosity as doctors? It’s this story within a story that is part of what makes this season so compelling to keep playing through. You really want to find out how each relationship plays out in the end.
There are some genuine chills to be had here, as always. There was one room in particular in Episode 1 that I really did not want to enter. It’s that feeling of, "Aw, hell no" as you can only see strange things moving at the edge of your candlelight, and you hear something that sounds even worse. Now that’s good stuff.
As with the first Season, the episodes here are fairly short. If you go at a fast pace, you’ll probably take an hour on each. Recaps provide an overall summary of the story so far, making it easy to keep track of where you are.