Galerians has been labeled as Survival Horror in the past, yet this latest installment seems to have fallen into the Science Fiction Thriller category. It never evokes the kinds of emotions that games like
Resident Evil or
Silent Hill can, but it does bring the player into a technological world that is as dark as it is advanced.
The Galerians are beings that have been generated from a master computer named Dorothy, who was created by computers to rule the world in peace. These Galerians also have the nifty little ability to use psychic powers, and when Dorothy one day makes up her mind that she is above human beings, she creates the Galerians to destroy them. As Rion, one of the last Galerians, you must stop Ash and his Lieutenants from totally annihilating mankind.
This is where the game takes a step away from the whole Survival Horror genre. With your varying psychic powers, you must dispose of the minions of the last Galerian. The tempo of the game changes from survival to action, and most of the time you cannot get through a room without killing every single enemy. This forceful act of keeping you in a particular place until everyone is dead occurs too much, and creates a boring atmosphere that is hard to forget.
The rooms themselves are even set up for an action scenario. Most of them are flat and circular, with only an occasional set of stairs. Enemies usually appear out of the ether instead of creeping out of dark corners. Your last shred of fear is lost when you realize the power of your psychic abilities, which can dispose of most villains in a couple of hits. Not that all of this is bad, but it certainly doesn't rattle your nerves.