After being overtaken by Carver and his gang, we rejoin Clementine and her newly merged group as they are being taken away in a truck. Similar to the previous episode, Clem will have to choose to side with her old (and more known) acquaintance Kenny, or agree with the rest of the new group. This won’t be the last time either as it seems to be a common theme throughout
The Walking Dead: Season 2: Episode 3 – In Harm’s Way of pitting sides against each other.
Upon arriving at their destination, it is learned that Carver has a stronghold set up where he is trying to establish civilization. Anyone familiar with the storyline of the TV series of the same name can immediately make the correlation between Carver and The Governor, and the situation and character’s attitude look to be very similar as well. It doesn’t take long for us to find out why we are In Harm’s Way as the group gives a bit more backstory on how they previously escaped from what they referred to as Carver’s prison.
It is quickly shown that armed guards keep the group in line, and through a newly acquired character named Reggie, we see that Carver is absolutely maniacal. With only one arm remaining since the group’s first escape attempt, Reggie fills in some of the gaps, but more importantly, gives the group mentality perspective from the base camp residents on how this setup isn’t so bad. Still, Clem and the rest of the group drive the story further by trying to figure another way out, keeping in mind that Luke is still on the outside. Through a lot of sneaking around, Clementine is able to work her way through the facility and gain important intel, as well as a walkie-talkie radio that the group plans to smuggle out to Luke.
One of the things I liked most about The Walking Dead: Season 2: Episode 3 – In Harm’s Way as opposed to some others is that the storylines from past episodes (including Season 1) seem to get a bit more intertwined. This isn’t only because of new or recurring characters coming about, but more about how we really get to see how past experiences with Clementine and other characters subtly begin to show through dialogue and actions. Additionally, during this time in "prison," we get to see some of the characters re-emerge from 400 Days, if you had gone through and played it during the gap between the end of Season 1 and the start of All That Remains. If you didn’t, the game will simulate the characters in, but if you did, some of the characters in the facility will be determined by who decided to go with Tavia at the epilogue of 400 Days.