Soren’s Formidibomb has not only failed, but made things worse. What once was a single giant Wither Storm is now three smaller-but-still-totally-big Wither Storms. On top of that, our team suffered a heartbreaking casualty in the melee that preceded the detonation. And on top of that, another party member’s Wither Sickness doesn’t seem to have improved much. Things look bad. But hope is not completely lost, and the night is darkest just before the dawn. Despite its apparent aggravation of the situation, the Formidibomb yielded at least one benefit: a party member once thought lost to the Wither Storm has been released, but with a severe case of amnesia.
So with the Order of the Stone’s best idea for defeating the world’s greatest threat proving disastrous, the team must look elsewhere for the solution. But who would have the most compelling motive to see the Wither Storm destroyed? On top of that, who would have the biggest wealth of knowledge on the subject? The answer is inevitable, as is the party’s new destination (at least, if you’re a hardcore Minecraft fan). Jesse and company learn more about the Order and their adventures, as well as its chemist pariah, Ivor.