In addition to the aforementioned new multiplayer gameplay, you can also just sort of... help each other out. I'm not a very social player, in general, but
The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind makes it easy to play socially. No formal structure is required to jump in and help out another player or to find yourself getting helped out of a tough spot by a player you've never met and may never meet again. For those of you who are like me, Bethesda has a
Solo Player's Guide to The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind (see link below), which can offer some tips and tricks.
If you've never played ESO, now's a good time to jump in; they've dropped the subscription model and instead moved to a premium membership model where you can - optionally - subscribe to an ESO Plus membership and receive increased experience, faster crafting progression, bones gold and access to all available DLC game packs and a monthly allotment of Crowns (an in-game currency used to buy snazzy items and upgrades). Further, there are over 300 hours of existing ESO content, so if you've never tried ESO out, you have a lot of content awaiting you.