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Score: 95%
Developer: Splitfish Gameware Inc.
Device Type: Accessory


So, your big brother got a new PS3 and you got the hand-me-down PS2 and now you're finding yourself lusting after motion control like the SIXAXIS has? - OR - You like the idea of motion control but you're not ready to get a PS3, yet?

Never fear, Split Fish's MotionFX will deliver motion control to your existing Sony PS2 Dual-Shock controllers, providing something that the PS3 doesn't have yet - both motion control and force feedback in the same controller. All that and a system that has God of War II... maybe it's a bit early to abandon the PS2, after all...


The motion control of the MotionFX is actually pretty good. The adjustability of the tilt mechanism allows you to set it to work with the angle you normally hold the controller at, while the fact that it is designed to attach to your existing Sony Dual Shock controller means you don't have to get familiar with a new controller with a different feel.

While the MotionFX can be used with any game that uses the Dual-Shock controller, certain games lend themselves to tilt control more than others. Driving games and flight games spring to mind, for example. Other games may be a good fit as well, but there is a bit of a learning curve, as the tilt control is a new control dynamic.

One interesting thing about the MotionFX is that the settings are adjusted using the Sony Dual Shock controller. The controls make sense, pressing SELECT and down on the RIGHT STICK (R3) will set the MotionFX to control the right stick. Pressing SELECT and down on the LEFT STICK (L3) will set the MotionFX to control the left stick. You can also adjust the sensitivity of the control in a similar manner, holding select and using TRIANGLE to increase the sensitivity or X to decrease the sensitivity. Another nice feature of the MotionFX is the ability to set the "untilted" or "centered" position to what is comfortable for you. This is done, when the MotionFX is on. by simply pressing the Engage button (on the MotionFX, itself) once. The settings are useful and somewhat intuitive, and the tilt controls are dead-on.

  • Compatible with Sony Dual Shock Wired Controllers
  • Adds Tilt Control to your existing PS2 Controller
  • Easy to Attach to a Sony Dual Shock Controller
  • Compatible with All PS2 Games
  • Tilt Control can be Mapped to Left or Right Analog Stick
  • Uses No Batteries - Powered By Controller Port
  • Settings Are Set Using Controller

Drawbacks & Problems::

While the MotionFX does add motion control to your Dual Shock controller, it's not on the same level as the SIXAXIS for a couple of reasons. First, the games that use the SIXAXIS motion are designed with that in mind, while MotionFX simply translates motion into controls the game is already expecting. Also, the SIXAXIS controller has more motion-sensing capabilities than the MotionFX; the SIXAXIS can detect when you move the controller in ways other than simply tilting it.

If, however, you're interested in the idea of a tilt controller, but really prefer the feel and control of a Sony Dual Shock controller, then the MotionFX might be just what you're looking for.

-Geck0, GameVortex Communications
AKA Robert Perkins

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