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Ron White: Behavioral Problems
Score: 80%
Rating: Not Rated
Publisher: Paramount
Region: 1
Media: DVD/1
Running Time: 71 MIns.
Genre: Live Performance/Comedy
Audio: English Stereo, English 5.1

  • Rickety Piece of S**t Bridge
  • A Fourteen Footer!
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Ron White has long been my favorite Blue Collar comedian, and his latest special, Ron White: Behavioral Problems, just helps to re-enforce this belief. In this new routine, White will touch on everything from the armed forces, to being arrested for marijuana to his relationship with his wife, and all of it is pretty funny.

White starts off by talking about his hotel room... well, more specifically, the toilet which features a bidet. Let's just say, this is the cleanest toilet humor I've ever heard. But it isn't long before White talks about a recent trip that resulted in his plane being searched for drugs. All was fine until the dogs needed to search his personal bags and he found himself in jail for a small fraction of a gram of weed. This event ultimately led to one of White's worst days where he not only had to visit his lawyers, but a dentist as well, and let's just say, much comedy ensues from these events.

As a follow-up to his lawyer bit, White then goes on to discuss a recent lawsuit he was involved in. In this lawsuit, he was being sued for slander because he said a town stank. As it turns out, this town has a paper mill, and well, the paper mill stank. But the show really starts going when he gets to talking about the ways to fix all of America's problems. In an amusing proposal involving the flipping of other countries, White not only solves immigration problems, but budget issues as well. Funnily enough, White makes a couple of goofs in this bit that cause him to mention a UFO tour (as opposed to a USO tour) and a fence from the Gulf of Mexico to the Specific Ocean (not the Pacific). But White does a great job recovering from these mental mess-ups and spurs off a couple of rather funny jokes because of them.

Before his rant against the government draws to an end, White also touches on disfigured war vets (getting a rise of patriotism from the crowd in the process) and Homeland Security's color-coded Heightened State of Awareness and how nobody knows what to do differently if the color is red instead of orange.

As White raps up his evening, he also touches on the many forms of Scotch his mother loved (everything from lowland to the tape), as well as the articles found in Cosmo magazine. Needless to say, Ron White does a great job talking about a huge variety of topics in the special's 70 minutes, and he transitions between the different points rather well, so the switches never seem forced.

Ron White: Behavioral Problems also comes with several cut out scenes from the evening. I'm not really sure why these bits were removed from the final release, but I could only imagine it is because the content is a bit more adult than the rest of the show (but only slightly) and they needed to weed out some time. All four of these scenes are amusing, and it would have been nice to see them in-place with the rest of the show. The only one of the special features that wasn't a deleted scene has White and a few attendees at a bar while White tells a few stories.

If you are a fan of White, or the Blue Collar Comedy Tour style in general, then Behavioral Problems is right up your alley.

-J.R. Nip, GameVortex Communications
AKA Chris Meyer
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