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Northern Lights
Score: 65%
Rating: Not Rated
Publisher: Sony Pictures Home

Region: 1
Media: DVD/1
Running Time: 92 Mins.
Genre: Romance/Mystery/Drama
Audio: English 5.1 Dolby Digital
Subtitles: English, French

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The new Nora Roberts collection includes four movies that debuted on Lifetime network back in April. Of the four, Northern Lights is my least favorite for sure. Instead of a good mystery, it felt more like a bad romance with a whodunit thrown in just to keep it from being a romance movie.

Northern Lights is set as you can probably guess in Alaska. Nate Burns (Eddie Cibrian) used to be a big city detective in Baltimore. After the death of his partner, he can't cope with life in the big city so he takes a job as a small town sheriff in Lunacy, Alaska. Immediately when he lands there, he finds out that life in a small town is very different from life in the big city. It seems like everyone knows everyone else. Not to mention quite a few people wanted the job as sheriff and are very upset that he was hired from outside the town. Nate can deal with all of this though; it's not as if big city cops are the most popular guy in town anyway! At least in Alaska, he won't have to deal with things like murder, or so he thinks.

When Nate arrives, he meets Meg Galligan (LeAnn Rimes), a local pilot. He is instantly smitten, but Meg doesn't really want much to do with him. Not too long after he gets there, two local teens come up missing while hiking in the mountains. Nate has to get Meg to fly him up there to look for them since she's the only pilot in town at the time. They find the teens and find out that they are still up there because they found a dead body. Meg takes one look at it and tells them that it is her father. We knew he was dead since we saw him get stabbed in the first scene of the movie, but Meg and her mother Charlene (Rosanna Arquette) always believed that he had just walked out on them. This, of course, gave Meg severe abandonment issues that Nate is going to have to overcome if he wants to be with her.

When the news of the death gets back to town, things really get interesting. In a place that small, everyone wants to know who killed him. Even when a local man seemingly commits suicide and confesses to the murder, Nate is determined that something fishy is going on. When Meg begs him to solve the murder, how can he refuse? When everyone in the town, including the people that hired him, are under suspicion, how can Nate even know where to start? Can Nate solve the mystery and win the woman?

So as I said before, this was my least favorite of the collection, mainly because it was so much cheesier than the rest and LeAnn Rimes' acting was not very good. She should just stick to singing! If you're looking for a cheesy romance movie though, Northern Lights is the story for you!

-Cyn, GameVortex Communications
AKA Sara Earl
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