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Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Undead
Score: 88%
Rating: Not Rated
Publisher: Indican Pictures
Region: 1
Media: DVD/1
Running Time: 85 Mins.
Genre: Comedy/Horror
Audio: English Dolby Digital 2.0,
           English Dolby Digital 5.1

  • Theatrical Trailer
  • TV Spot
  • Interviews
  • Deleted Scenes & Outakes
  • Sneak Previews
  • Audio Commentary with Director Jordan Gallano

Rosencrantz & Gulidenstern Are Undead opens by telling us that this is a version of "Hamlet adapted to portray vampires," so you know from the beginning what it is about. Let's start with Julian (Jake Hoffman). Julian is a bit of a loser. He lives above his dad's clinic and has no job. He's just sleeping around. Anna (Devon Aoki) is Julian's ex. Anna is still totally taking advantage of Julian and sending him to run their errands. Finally, Julian's dad is fed up and hands him a paper with an advertisement for a theater director wanted and forces Julian to go apply or he's kicking him out. Julian has no clue what's he's getting himself into, but he really has no choice. Julian is hired on the spot with no clue that he's now working for vampires. He tells them that he has the perfect actor for the role of Hamlet in their production of Rosencrantz & Guildenstern are Undead. The boss Theo (John Ventimiglia) tells him that they should meet up for drinks. Later, when Julian and his friend, actor Vince (Kris Lemche), are walking down the street, Vince is accosted by a homeless woman who asks for his autograph and gives him the pen. She tells him that if he's ever in a play about Hamlet and vampires, then he should call the number on that pen because he is in danger.

Julian's ex Anna is now dating a goon named Bobby Bianchi (Ralph Macchio). Julian is determined to win her back, so he tells her that he is directing Hamlet and naturally, Anna wants a part. Vince is approved for the part of Hamlet, Julian casts the rest, and the play goes on. Theo is in the play as well, playing the part of Horatio. As soon as Theo meets Anna, he proclaims that she is now Ophelia, that she even smells like the real Ophelia, which tells us how long he's been around, but Julian and Anna just let it go as him being creepy. The play keeps going on, but Julian is having a hell of a time with the cast. The vampire cast only cares what Theo says, the actors playing Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are morons, and the play is just plain confusing. I do find it amusing when Julian is trying to tell Theo how to act like a real vampire, though. Finally, Vince remembers the homeless woman's warning and calls the number on the pen, and things start to get really interesting.

The secret society gets involved and tells him how he can undo the vampire's plans. Of course, when Vince can't handle the truth, he confronts the vampires too early and ends up dead, or rather undead. Theo tells Julian that with Vince dead, Julian now has to play Hamlet. With Vince no longer able to help them, the secret society contacts Julian and tells him that he has to help now. They give him a DVD that explains the story of how Horatio is still alive and is now called Theo and that Hamlet will show up on the opening night of his play to challenge Horatio once again, which is when the society needs to gain control of the Holy Grail that Hamlet possesses. Now Julian has to deal with the vampires in the play, which seem to be growing by the minute, Anna's ex-boyfriend, and the secret society. Once a murder is discovered, then he's also got Detective Wimbly (Jeremy Sisto) on his back. Is there anything Julian can do to stop the play and the vampires?

There are several special features available on the DVD to entertain you. Personally, I liked the deleted scenes and outtakes best, but I can see why they were deleted as they just didn't really belong. The Interviews were also quite interesting. Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Undead is a hilarious dark comedy that keeps you guessing and laughing until the end. The acting is wonderful, the plotline is hilarious, and I highly recommend that you all check it out today!

-Cyn, GameVortex Communications
AKA Sara Earl
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