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The Bourne Supremacy
Score: 72%
Rating: PG-13
Publisher: Universal Studios
Region: 1
Media: DVD/1
Running Time: 109
Genre: Action/Drama/Suspense
Audio: English, Spanish and French
           Dolby Digital 5.1

  • English, Spanish and French subtitles
  • 2.35:1 Anamorphic Widescreen
  • Crash Cam: Racing through the streets of Moscow
  • Bourne to be Wild: Fight Training
  • Blowing things up
  • Anatomy of a Scene: The Explosive Bridge Chase Scene
  • Matching Identities: Casting

The Bourne Supremacy is the sequel to the action-packed movie Bourne Identity. In The Bourne Supremacy, Matt Damon returns to the role of Jason Bourne, an ex-CIA covert operative who wants a normal life now. After breaking his ties with the CIA, and moving half the way around the world to escape, they are after him again, but this time they make it personal. Bourne promised that if they come after him, he would hunt them down and let them know what it feels like to be followed, and he is a man of his word.

The Bourne Supremacy has car chases, daring escapes, and an ending that will leave you guessing who to trust. What is it about Bourne?s past that would set the CIA after him again? When will the truth about his former life finally be revealed to him? These questions drive Bourne to finally put an end to his nightmare, so he can finally lead his life the way he wants to - in peace.

To tell you the truth, I was slightly disappointed by this film. I was a big fan of The Bourne Identity, and I was thrilled to see this one come out. However, the ending, to me, just felt empty. I don?t want to include too many spoilers, but it?s not really a happy ending ? more of a bittersweet ending. The storyline is definitely involving, although I think it feeds too much off the previous movie, and doesn?t develop much on it?s own. At times, it feels like it?s just a sequel that was made just for the purpose of having a sequel.

There are a few special features (your typical ?making of? fare), but not much to really get excited about, though. I would say that this DVD scores slightly above average as far as special features is concerned.

The action scenes are one of the strong points of this movie. If you are a real hardcore action fan, then you may want to give this DVD a shot. If you were a fan of the first movie, and thought about picking this one up to further the story, you may be upset at what happens. I guess the choice to rent or buy comes down to what your likes are. If you are just into the action, this may be one to buy. If you are a fan of the previous movie, you may think about renting this one first.

-Z64freak, GameVortex Communications
AKA Bret Hall

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