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Then She Found Me
Score: 45%
Rating: R
Publisher: THINKfilm
Region: 1
Media: DVD/1
Running Time: 100 Mins.
Genre: Drama/Comedy
Audio: Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround,
           Dolby Digital 2.0 Stereo

Subtitles: English, Spanish

  • Director's Commentary with Helen Hunt
  • Cast Interviews and Behind-theScenes Footage
  • Theatrical Trailer

Then She Found Me is the directorial debut of the movie's star, Helen Hunt. It is the tale of one April Epner (Hunt), a New York school teacher who faces one trauma after another when her husband (Matthew Broderick) leaves her, then her adoptive mother dies, and her natural mother, Bernice (Bette Midler), shows back up wanting a relationship. To add to all of this, Frank (Colin Firth), the parent of one of her students, is attracted to her and wants to pursue a relationship. April finds all of this way too overwhelming, plus her biological clock is ticking away and she desperately wants a child, but doesn't want to adopt because of the way she felt as an adopted child.

As her relationships with Frank and Bernice begin to grow, she finds out she is pregnant and the child is Ben's, her estranged husband. Awkward times ensue as April, Ben and Frank go to the OB's office. In a fit of fond remembrances, April and Ben get it on in the back seat of a car outside of the OB's office, only for April to be guilt-ridden, since she has a terrific guy in Frank. Can she work things out with Frank? Can she tolerate her avant-garde mother in her life, especially when she finds out that Bernice's story about having April taken from her isn't quite the whole truth?

To be honest, I really didn't care what happened with these people's relationships. All of the actors who play in this picture are good actors, but I didn't like any of them in these roles. This movie seemed more about Helen Hunt showing off her body at every available opportunity than about character development. Now, don't get me wrong, I like Helen Hunt, I really do. I've always been fond of her, all the way back to when she shared the silver screen with Broderick in Project X, but this movie was pitiful. Helen is so scary thin, yet she seems to think she looks fabulous. Seeing Frank proclaim how gorgeous she is over and over just seemed a bit ridiculous. What is it with women over 40 and their need to be in movies that still prove they are sexy? (For a prime example, see Sharon Stone in Basic Instinct 2, or better yet, don't.)

At any rate, I found this movie dull and boring and without really any redemptive qualities. Helen should stick to acting and leave behind the roles of director and writer because she surely missed the mark here. Go rent Project X and see Broderick and Hunt when they were good together.

-Psibabe, GameVortex Communications
AKA Ashley Perkins
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