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Lively... Think "Google MMO"
Company: Google
Product: Lively
The Internet is a far cry from the Cyberspace envisioned in the 80's. Luckily, we have Google to help nudge us in the right direction, with the introduction of their new Lively web-based 3D chat application.

Lively allows websites to create their own areas in which their readers can mingle, sharing ideas and opinions with each other. Web developers can customize these spaces as they wish, giving visitors an insight into their aesthetic preferences, their site's intended feel or, at the very least, their ability to create a space. According to the official Google Blog, you can put images as artwork and even put YouTube content as videos playing on video screens, increasing the number of creative possibilities to a new level.

Lively was originally started by Niniane Wang, Engineering Manager at Google, as a "20%" project. The 20% projects at Google are a very interesting program, indeed. The idea is that one-fifth of an employee's time is reserved for them to do their own personal research into something they find interesting. The result is that Google employees are more creative, content and productive on the other 80%, while learning new things that often prove to be valuable to Google's research efforts. If you ever wonder how Google comes up with such innovative applications and projects, a large part of it has to be attributed to this policy.

-Geck0, GameVortex Communications
AKA Robert Perkins
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