During his panel, Golden shared with attendees his "Rules of Storytelling," which he has pieced together over his 30-plus year career working as both a commercial artist and, as the co-creator of Bucky O’Hare and X-Men’s Rogue, in the entertainment business. As in previous years, Golden emphasized that even though many people will tell your there are certain "guaranteed formulas" for telling a great story, there really are no formulas, just simple rules. As in other crafts – and Golden emphasized comic book art is a craft, not an art – there are standards that need to be followed that have proven to work regardless of the medium or the time period it is produced.
Golden’s first rule is, "People are Stupid." Golden was quick to point out, this has nothing to do with people’s I.Q. (though he did joke it could factor in when dealing with some people). Instead, this guideline simply means that whenever you begin a production, you should always assume your audience is ignorant of what you are doing. They don’t know who your characters are, what your world is like, or what is happening with your plot.