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SodaStream - Now Available in Cannes
Product: SodaStream
The American Pavilion founder Julie Sisk has welcomed Premiere sponsor SodaStream who has joined Presenting sponsors American Express and The Peninsula Hotel Group at Cannes Film Festival 2013.

SodaStream is the world leader in home soda-making, where consumers turn tap or filtered water into a mouth-watering array of carbonated beverages without the wasteful bottles. SodaStream's involvement with AMPAV this year allows The Pavilion to be truly free of cans and plastic bottles. This symbolic move means taking over a long-standing sponsorship by Coca-Cola; SodaStream will host the bar at the American Pavilion as the exclusive soft drink and water provider, offering a far better-for-the-planet and better-for-you experience for visitors.

To create a plastic bottle free environment, a range of freshly-made SodaStream flavored drinks will be available complimentary to guests; re-usable eco-friendly bottles will be refilled for free with either still, sparkling or flavored drinks. A selection of SodaStream cocktails will also be served from the SodaStream SodaBar, an exciting new design aspect of the updated Pavilion for the 25th anniversary celebrations.

"It makes so much sense for us to partner with SodaStream as The Pavilion was the first entity in Cannes to implement recycling, trucking our recyclables to Marseille every other day. We continue to be as green as possible and conscious of the impact we have on the fragile Cannes environment."
- Julie Sisk, Founder, Ampav

Founded 25 years ago by industry maven Julie Sisk, The American Pavilion is a place where North American film industry professionals gather to share ideas and network during Cannes Film Festival, the largest and most prestigious film festival in the world. Initially created to provide a convenient single meeting space for all the North American film professionals in town, The Pavilion has grown to become the essential hub for the industry off The Croisette, offering membership for professionals, provocative and insightful programming, immersive student programs, Emerging Filmmaker Showcases, and more.

Luminaries that have supported The Pavilion over the years include: filmmakers Ron Howard, Francis Ford Coppola, Martin Scorsese, Quentin Tarantino, Wong Kar Wai, Spike Lee, Billy Bob Thornton, and stars Tommy Lee Jones, Sean Penn, Ryan Gosling, James Franco, Michelle Williams, Jessica Chastain, Robert Duvall, and Matt Lauer amongst many others.

"We are thrilled to partner with The American Pavilion to help them with their first ever event without the trash from bottles and cans. One Billion bottles and cans are trashed every day, the majority ending up in landfills, parks or oceans. What better place than the beautiful beachside location of Cannes to share with the international film industry that people have a choice; that with SodaStream they are empowered to enjoy great-tasting soda without the hazardous waste."
- Daniel Birnbaum, CEO, SodaStream

Celebrating its 25th year bringing professionals and emerging filmmakers together, The American Pavilion is the center of activity for the American film community at the Cannes International Film Festival.

Since its debut at the 1989 Cannes Film Festival, The Pavilion has served as a hospitality and communications hub for the thousands of Americans attending the Cannes Film Festival and Marché, providing an impressive array of facilities and services, including membership for the international film community, provocative and insightful programming, the Emerging Filmmaker Showcase, immersive student programs, and more.

For its corporate sponsors, scores of American participants, and hundreds of exhibitors and office holders, The American Pavilion accommodates the need for information, orientation and recreation, providing both a dynamic business environment and an opportunity to relax in comfortable surroundings for the duration of the Festival.

With a panoramic view of the Bay of Cannes and just a few steps from the Palais des Festivals, where all the major Festival films are premiered, The American Pavilion is now a permanent fixture on the Cannes landscape, proving to be the perfect place to transact business, share ideas and effectively reach the thousands of affluent international travelers who attend the Festival every year.

-Geck0, GameVortex Communications
AKA Robert Perkins
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