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What Comic Conventions Will Soon Smell Like
Company: POW! Entertainment
Product: Stan Lee Signature Cologne
Legendary Marvel and POW! Entertainment creator and comic icon, Stan Lee, has partnered with JADS International, LCC (JADS), a company producing fine fragrances and beauty products, to create Stan Lee Signature Cologne. To thank fans for their support over the years, each bottle of cologne comes with a personal message from Lee himself - hence the "Signature." The cologne marks the first time Lee has lent his name to a fragrance, but he did more than just that - he also played a key role in the development of the overall product.

Stan Lee Signature Cologne is a fresh and sophisticated fragrance for the adventurous with blends of bergamot, ginger, white pepper, basil, and violet and features layers of cedar, vetiver and musk accords. It will retail for $24.99 USD and will be available on the JADS website as well as being sold at Comic-Con events and Wizard World shows across the country.

"Fans know me best as someone who creates superhero characters and stories for comics, movies, TV and the web, so this is a highly exciting step for me to expand into the cologne world as well. Not only do I want fans to look sharp like their favorite superhero and their Generalissimo here, but I thought wouldn't it be fun to offer them the chance to smell like one too… whether they have a date or a rendezvous with an ally."
- Stan Lee, Founder of POW! Entertainment.

"We're 'true believers' and deeply honored that the one and only Smilin' Stan Lee teamed-up with JADS to help produce a signature cologne reflective of his talents, creativity and contributions to the awesome world of comics and superheroes. Stan's work is legendary and holds a very special place in the hearts of people across the world. Just like Spiderman, Hulk, and Captain America, fragrance has the ability to transcend time and bring back memories. This cologne plays homage to the greatness that is Stan Lee and his legacy."
- Andrew Levine, Chief Executive Officer of JADS.

I haven't yet smelled the fragrance, although the description sounds delightful. However, if this does well, this smell could very easily become the defining aroma of comic book conventions for a while. Come on, guys... let's try to not all wear the same fragrance at the same place at the same time...

And if you want to get to using yours before the next comic collecting event in your hometown, you can order your Stan Lee Signature Cologne directly from the JADS website; Stan Lee Signature Cologne is already on sale.

-Geck0, GameVortex Communications
AKA Robert Perkins
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