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Product: The International Exhibition of Sherlock Holmes
Footprints, splatter patterns and the powers of observation mark the journey through The International Exhibition of Sherlock Holmes, the brand-new, interactive experience that combines science with history and culture to bring to life the historic underpinnings of author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's rich and vibrant stories.

Visitors will learn how Sherlock Holmes, a scientific expert ahead of his time, used seemingly trivial observations of clues others missed to solve some of his era's most mysterious fictional crimes. His practices and techniques, created in the mind of doctor-turned-author Conan Doyle, changed the way police work was conducted and remain in practice today. The International Exhibition of Sherlock Holmes features original manuscripts and period artifacts, investigative tools influenced and used by Sherlock Holmes, and interactive crime-solving opportunities. Guests will be transported into Sherlock Holmes' London to solve a crime in a world filled with innovation and experimentation – and one just receiving its introduction to his ground-breaking methods.

The exhibition is currently showing at the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (OMSI) through January 5, 2014. Then, the exhibition is being brought to the Center of Science and Industry in Columbus, Ohio (COSI), opening February 8, 2014, as the result of a unique arts partnership between Exhibits Development Group (EDG); Geoffrey M. Curley + Associates; Conan Doyle Estate Ltd.; and the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry.

"COSI is excited to be the second host of this one-of-a-kind exhibition building on the compelling deductive reasoning of the favorite character, Sherlock Holmes. Guests will be able to immerse themselves into the world of Sherlock Holmes at 221B Baker Street and solve an apparent crime using the deductive thinking Holmes is known for."
- David Chesebrough, Ed.D, president and CEO of COSI.

"The Conan Doyle Estate can't remember an undertaking as involved and exciting as this one. Museum visitors will experience the scientific and literary ideas that inspired Sir Arthur Conan Doyle to create Sherlock Holmes, and Holmes' methods for investigating and solving crimes as the world's first consulting detective, and they will visit their two worlds, including the very rooms in which all this took place."
- the Estate's U.S. representative Jon Lellenberg:

The International Exhibition of Sherlock Holmes will be at OMSI through January 5th, then will open Saturday, February 8, 2014 at COSI and run through September 1, 2014 at COSI, during regular hours. For more information about this these limited engagement exhibitions, use the links below.

-Geck0, GameVortex Communications
AKA Robert Perkins
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