Vote on Splinter Cell Equipment |
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Just when you thought all that election stuff was over, Ubisoft wants to know what you think -- exercise your voting power to choose the spy gear for future co-op characters! Choose your favorite piece of gear in two categories; the winners will appear in the final retail version of Tom Clancy?s Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory.
Be one of the exclusive few to participate in the final development of Tom Clancy?s Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory by voting for the equipment you want the spies to use in co-op play.
Don?t wait -- the last day you can vote is November 22, 2004. The selected models will be announced on November 24 on the Splinter Cell homepage. DON?T MISS THIS CHANCE!
You?ll need to be a registered ubi.com user to participate (it?s free), and the poll appears in a pop-up window, so you?ll need to disable any pop-up blockers to participate.
-Red Dawg, GameVortex Communications AKA Alex Redmann |
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