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Controlling Revenge...
Product: Star Wars controllers
Intec has introduced its new lineup of Star Wars branded high-performance video game controllers. The controllers feature embedded video game technologies like programmable combination moves and a secret pre-programmed weapon -- the light-saber button (wireless controllers only). Set to begin shipping in North America in April 2005, Intec?s new Star Wars branded controllers will heighten gamers? experiences, especially when playing the upcoming and much-anticipated Star Wars: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith video game from LucasArts that will ship on May 5, 2005 for the PlayStation 2 and Xbox.

The Star Wars lineup of controllers includes:

The Jedi Hunter 2.4GHz Wireless Controller
The Jedi Hunter 2.4GHz Wireless Controller is the ultimate weapon for players seeking to destroy all Jedi Knights. This leading-edge controller gives gamers the ability to program their favorite combination moves and a secret pre-programmed weapon: the light-saber button, which gives players the added edge to win saber locks, an important gameplay feature in the light-saber duels in the Episode III video game. Players using the Jedi Hunter 2.4Ghz Wireless Controller will be virtually unstoppable! Feature packed, this controller comes with a turbo function button, gamer-nomic designed analog sticks, digital directional pads, rubberized grips, dual vibration motors with on and off vibration switches, auto connect, a 3-position rumble switch, and auto-sensing technology that allows for up to 16 players to play without interference. Each Jedi Hunter 2.4Ghz Wireless Controller allows for gameplay at up to 30 feet away from the console and up to 60 hours of game time (using 2 AA Batteries). This controller also includes an auto shut-off feature, where if it?s not used for more than five minutes, it will go into ?sleep mode? to save battery life. Versions for the PlayStation 2 and Xbox are available.

The Jedi Hunter Controller
As Dark Lord of the Sith (Darth Vader), players require the best weaponry possible in order to master the game and the dark side of the Force. With a button allowing players to program their favorite combination moves, the Jedi Hunter Controller offers players the power to seek and destroy all enemies. Featuring in-game battle glow (it glows red), players are able to fully immerse themselves in Darth Vader?s red fury! Available in versions for the PlayStation 2 and Xbox, these Jedi Hunter Controllers are perfect for players looking for an added edge in their battles against players with ordinary, non-programmable controllers.

Sith vs. Jedi 2-Pack
Whether choosing to play for justice as a Jedi or rule the Sith as Darth Vader, a triumphant performance is now within their grasp! The Sith vs. Jedi 2-Pack also allows players to program their favorite combination moves into one button, surrounding themselves in the Jedi?s blue glow or Vader?s red glow as they play. With versions available for the PlayStation 2 and Xbox, players can defend the light side of the Force as a Jedi Knight or fight for the dark side of the force as Darth Vader.

-Starscream, GameVortex Communications
AKA Ricky Tucker
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