Tom Arnold of Fox Sports Net?s ?Best Damn Sports Show Period,? and Smart Watches for MSN Direct, have launched a contest that asks America?s sports fans, ?How Low Did You Go to Catch the Big Game?? The contest aims to find the craziest things fans have done to get the score of a big game, when they were supposed to be doing something else... such as having dinner with the in-laws, sitting through a business meeting, or attending the wedding of a distant cousin. The person with the best story will win a VIP trip to Hawaii to party with the pros during the weekend of Feb. 12, 2005.
Microsoft and its Smart Watch partners say they?re launching the ?How Low Did You Go to Catch the Big Game?? contest because the days of sneaking around to get a sports score will soon be over. Officials say technology is catching up with them. Smart Watches will deliver updated scores straight to people?s wrists.