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New Feature on GameVortex
Company: GameVortex.com
Product: GV Search Page
With the new look and format of GameVortex, we are now able to offer our readers more features that will help them find the games they are looking for, as well as related games that they might want to check out. The latest of these features is the GameVortex Search Page.

The GV Search Page will allow you to quickly and efficiently go through our large archive of game and hardware reviews, previews, news and various DVD, CD, Anime and Novel reviews in order to find out about the product you are looking for.

At the time of this article, the Search Page allows you to narrow down your search by selecting a type of content (i.e. game review, hardware review, preview), a system as well as the reviewer who you think wrote the article.

The Search Page also allows you to find articles based on the name of the product you are looking for. For example, if you were looking for anything with the word dragon in the name, you would simply type dragon in the "Whose name contains" field.

With these four different fields, you can easily and quickly narrow down the results in order to find the article you are looking.

Though there are four different fields to use in order to narrow down your search, it isn't necessary to use all four. Let's say you are looking for any game reviews by me (J.R. Nip) that contain the word dragon. In this case, you aren't worried about the system -- so there is no need to choose a specific system.

Or maybe you are just looking for anything for the PC (game review, preview or hardware review) that contains dragon -- then all you have to do is type dragon in the name field and select PC Gaming in the system field. It's that simple.

Though we only offer these four fields at the moment, we hope to bring you a more detailed and advanced search in the future.

-J.R. Nip, GameVortex Communications
AKA Chris Meyer
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