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SXSW - Exploring Machinima
SXSW plays host to hundreds of film directors, producers, actors and aficionados. One film style or art is gaining more and more respect from it peers every day, and that is Machinima. Call it Machine-ima or Mach-inima, just don't call it machine enema. Machinima has already grabbed both the game and film industries' attention with break out successes like Rooster Teeth's Red-vs-Blue, as well as many other independent projects from Paul Marino and the folks at Bedazzled Studios. The true appeal is that anyone can create it with a minimal budget. In fact, you can basically create monumental masterpieces for no more than the cost of elbow grease.

The guys from Rooster Teeth Productions actually spoke at both the SXSW Interactive Festival and the Screenburn Beta Festival. Their presentation at Screenburn addressed a lot of the fan-based questions of where they started, how they got started and how they succeeded in turning their part-time passion into a full-time reality. Also at the Screenburn Festival was a screening of Bedazzled Studios' creation Silver Bells and Golden Spurs that was shot in-world in Second Life. What set this production apart from many others is the fact that it was filmed very much like an actual real world film. There was a casting director and set designer and so on and so forth. The actors were actually compensated for their time and effort. In Second Life, Linden dollars will translate into actual real world money. For those unfamiliar with the world of Second Life, it is a world that was created solely by the people who inhabit it. There are 3D modelers, clothing designers, as well as coders, who have used their talents to create everything you see. Linden Labs, creators of Second Life, simply placed a set of tools into action and out came a world. In this world, there is nothing you cannot create, making it the perfect digital set. Could we see a real, honest-to-God Indie Film budget production go into the works? I can only hope.

Through the success of Rooster Teeth Productions and their web site, they have gained the attention of web gurus who wish to understand the sheer number of people who are flocking to www.redvsblue.com and why. Burnie Burns, CEO of Rooster Teeth, gave an enlightening and hilarious keynote during the SXSW Interactive Festival, speaking on the future of the web and the IP created there. There are specific dangers inherent of intellectual property when you use game engines with specifically created characters for your own personal use. The fear he addressed is that in the future, as the art becomes more open to the public, there is a chance that gaming companies may lock down on their intellectual properties and come forth and say you may not use it for Machinima. There are several games that have done the opposite and welcome the use of their material, because it adds re-playability to the title. I myself have picked up a title that I wouldn't have otherwise purchased, for the sole purpose of making Machinima. Games like The Movies, Half Life 2, and The Sims 2 have opened up their doors and added to tools unique to making films in their game engine. Even after his speech, there was still the huge interest of where to start in Machinima.

So how does one get started? First get yourself "ed-u-mi-cated." Sites such as www.machinima.com and www.3dfilmmaker.com will walk you through the necessary basics of turning your on-screen ideas into a working film format. Rooster Teeth receives a barrage of mail from individuals who are trying to have the same success. Sometimes, these over-zealous fans may even boast on how they are going to improve upon what Rooster Teeth is already doing. Do not underestimate the time put into such projects. The groups who have been doing this a while may make it look easy, but the sheer amount of time these artists pump into their projects should in no way be belittled. If you have the passion or even if you simply have an idea, go to the aforementioned sites, ban together with like-minded people and realize your dream of producing your own movie.

-WUMPUSJAGGER, GameVortex Communications
AKA Bryon Lloyd
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