As part of the Red Stick International Animation Festival, the CCT hosted a workshop put on by Clint Ourso, Project Manager at Volition Games, a company best known for games like Red Faction, The Punisher and the upcoming Saint’s Row. Among other topics, Ourso touched on what actually goes on between developing a concept and getting a game on the shelf, as well as sharing his ideas on how Baton Rouge could attract the industry and tips for start up companies and people looking to get into the industry. He also shared his insight on the challenges of developing an open-ended game like Saint’s Row, as well as giving attendees a glimpse of what goes on when developing for Next-Generation consoles like the Xbox 360.
So what would it take for Baton Rouge to get "into the game" so to speak? Ourso stopped short of saying what needs to happen to bring companies here or announcing Volition’s new Baton Rouge offices, but he did seem encouraged that Baton Rouge could support the industry. Chiming in with what other members of the Baton Rouge community have said, setting up a games studio isn’t something that is constrained by region. Unlike some industries that require certain natural resources, all that's needed to make games are people, computers and ideas. A little bit of money doesn't hurt either, since game development can quickly skyrocket into multi-billion dollar projects – so Louisiana's tax incentives, which are compared to those that have attracted Hollywood to the state, should help to entice possible companies. Ourso also pointed out that Champaign, Illinois, home of Volition Games, isn’t much different than Baton Rouge as both are smaller market towns anchored by a major University.