Arctic Thunder is a beautiful game while you're speeding around with a rocket between your legs, but if you stop to take a closer look, it can be absolutely hideous. The pixelated textures are on the objects in the wrong direction and the terrain is blocky to the point of looking like Star Fox. Of course that's if you slow down, which will never happen unless your controller lacks an X button. Arctic Thunder moves so fast the blemishes are unnoticeable, and with the lighting and smoke effects that come from missiles, the game looks damn good. The draw length is so long that you will be hard pressed to find any pop-up. I was also impressed at the sheer number of little touches that were in the levels like totem poles, park benches, snowmen and more. It's those little touches that turn the game into an exciting racer instead of just a downhill sled ride.
Voice acting? We don't need no stinkin' voice acting. Other than being able to physically see the characters, you have no idea what personality they have. Voice acting would have been nice to give some depth to the characters, and unfortunately the uninspired music adds the same amount of depth to the overall gaming experience. Sound effects however are done well, with shrieking missiles and whining engines.