Bounty Hunter is one of the best looking and sounding Star Wars games yet on the PS2. This is due mostly in part to an unusual video game alliance between Lucasarts and the technical wizards at both ILM and Skywalker sound. It's a know fact that the boys and girls at ILM really know their way around a computer, and it shows. Each of the game's story scenes are nothing short of impressive and are just oozing with Star Wars goodness. In-game everything is just as sharp. Although the game is weak when it comes to eye-candy such as lighting effects, and tends to reuse textures quite a bit - it's still a work of art. I was especially impressed with the character animation.
Until now, Dante from Devil May Cry was one of the most fluent gunmen on the system - but Dante hasn't met Jango. There is nothing like pulling out Jango's dual blasters and letting loose on some poor sap. When things get really intense, he can quickly move into a graceful back flip or side flip while still firing.
When it comes to sound, nobody does it better than Skywalker Sound. Considering how good the sound is in every other Star Wars game, you wouldn't think there was must room for improvement, but Skywalker Sound found a way. Everything - from the swelling musical score, to the most insignificant of background noises - sounds fantastic and really brings the experience home. Even the voice work manages to come off as top-rate.