While walking through the game's digital Gracey Manor (yes, it's Gracey Manor regardless of what the game says), it is obvious that the developers did their homework. The wallpaper, pictures, busts -- everything is very reminiscent of the ride. Even the load screens (of which there are numerous long ones) have that certain Mansion touch. However, this may not be enough for more ardent fans since the mansion's architecture isn't entirely accurate -- but this is one of those things you'll just have to live with. Character models are also right out of the ride, which is pretty neat to see. Outside of the nostalgia, the graphics are pretty well done and fit the look of the attraction. The special effects are neat, especially the lighting effects (which play a big part in the game).
I was pretty mixed when it came to the game's audio. First of all, fans should rest in the knowledge that 'Grim Grinning Ghosts' does make it into the game, although I'll leave its exact location as a surprise. The new tracks in the game are good and do a nice job of setting up the game's mood. What I wasn't happy with was the voice of Madame Leota. In the ride, Madame Leota has a creepy, mysterious voice. For whatever reason (although I think it's to help sell the game's New Orleans locale) the developers have decided to make her a saucy vixen with a bad Cajun accent. Though not as bad as some other fake accents I've heard in other games and movies, I couldn't stand her voice and wanted to drop the damn crystal ball just so she would shut up.