I really have to stop having preconceived notions about things. The game is actually pretty good, so good in fact that it tops my all-time favorite 'Disney movie-based game', Aladdin (on the Genesis). While not as good looking as recent platform games such as Ratchet and Clank or Sly Cooper, Treasure Planet still manages to deliver a very appealing graphical package. These are some of the prettiest and most impressive levels I've seen in a game due to the inclusion of details - something Disney games aren't usually known for. One lap through the Ore Factory or romp though the jungles should be enough to convince players that everything you thought you knew about Disney games is about to change. The stages are actually laid out very similar to those found in Ratchet and Clank. Each level follows a smartly designed path that branch off into hidden areas that will eventually fold in on itself creating a circuit. This eliminates the frustration of having to backtrack and gives the game a real flow.
Character animations and designs are extremely fluid and would make Walt proud. One of the things that really impressed me was how accurate each of the character's movements and mannerisms matched the movie. As a comparison, watch the solar surfer movie clip at the beginning of the second level and compare it to Jim's in-game moves and tricks.
The game's music is very enjoyable and doesn't pull the typical trick of either trying to mimic the movie's score or outright using it. Each of the game's levels feature background music that have a fun sound that really capture the futuristic-pirate motif of the movie by combining a old-time pirate/seafarer -style with a few licks of the electric guitar. I'll admit, the music can and will get repetitive, but the beat is catchy enough that you're likely to stick it out. The voice work is excellent and features the voices from the film including: Joseph Gordon-Levitt, David Hyde Pierce, Martin Short, and Emma Thompson.
As an added bonus, the game also features the music video for the movie's theme song, 'I'm still here' by Johnny Rzeznik of the Goo Goo Dolls.