Firewarrior does an excellent job of portraying the Warhammer 40K universe. Each of the races presented in the game stick closely to the look of each figure in the table top game. This feeling is one of the real strengths of the game. It doesn't take liberties with the subject matter and remains true to its license. The texture work is right up there with other big looks PS2 games. Of course, the grainy, gritty look of the game would probably tell you otherwise until you realize that's the look the developers were going for. Everything is very dark and washed out, providing a real feeling of war. Special effects are also great and help to sell the situations you're in. When running through trenches or through big industrial complexes, you always get the feel that something bigger is going on around you.
Instead of a bold soundtrack playing throughout the game, Firewarrior instead serenades you only with the sounds of war. Gunfire echoes all around you, as do far off explosions and ships zooming overhead. These, combined with the graphics, do a great job of setting up the world around you. The only flaw in the game, and one that is really minor, is the voice acting, which leaves a lot to be desired.