Judging from early screenshots and movies of Barbarian, I didn't go into this thing expecting much. However, from the opening screen until the end I was really impressed with the look of the entire game. Everything has a very high-quality look. Muscles ripple, fur moves, rock faces really look like rock faces - for a time everything seems right in the world. Yet, things are not since the game is plagued by both camera and clipping issues. The feeling you get while playing through these extremely detailed arenas is killed the first time you attack someone near a wall. Instead of hitting the wall, characters go into the wall. Had this been a PSOne game, or even a very early PS2 game I would have an easier time excusing this - but as far as things have progressed, it is becoming harder and harder to excuse. Barbarian also suffers from a few bouts of slowdown, but it is nothing major.
The soundtrack is just what you'd expect from a game called Barbarian. Drums thunder, horns blare - it's fantastic. The same goes for the voice acting, which is about as good as it gets in regards to games. I was especially impressed by the narrator - this guy could make reading the phonebook sound like an important document.