Graphically, this title has some decent effects. The character models are pretty gritty and urban looking, as well as being smoothly animated too. The cut scenes are surprinsingly well done, with some sharp CG going on. As you progress and take some wear ‘n tear, your fighter will show visible signs of damage; bruises, cuts it’s all here in grisly detail. You won’t be the only ugly mug though; the same scars show up on your enemies as well. Speaking of getting messed up, if you imbibe some lousy alcohol or drugs, your screen will go frat party woozy on you, making true the term “drunken boxing”. The models seem to leap off the screen at times, though in part due to the drab backgrounds, although you may see a lot of similarity between friend and foe. While the lighting is solid, the colors are overly dark and muddy. The textures of cars, buildings, and other environmental elements suffer from blurriness. There are also a wealth of clipping issues throughout. Pretty sloppy overall.
Sound wise, each area has it’s own distinct musical score. However, this endless loop grows aggravating very soon. The voice acting is equally grating, with some piss poor accents, and downright imbecilic dialogue. Of course we can’t expect these street brawling thugs to recite Shakespearean verse… but it just sounds like every Stallone - no, Segal line compiled into a single game. Sound effects are your usual thumps and grunts of fighting games, very generic here.